I'm pretty sure it's a fender american vintage 62 jazzmaster
totally didn't just google that image
Definitely looks like a jazzmaster.
I'd rather get a jazzmaster than a tele or a strat for sure; or just about anything else fender for that matter.
New Gretsch - Billy Duffy signature
Also love the White Falcon which someone else posted.
I like that Jazzmaster. I need to actually play one sometime, because I have no idea how they sound.
They're pretty cool really. Their vibrato has a unique sound.
Vintage style (strat style, JM style, bigsbys etc) vibratos sound lurvelly. :3
I actually quite like Floyd Roses too. Not Licensed ones so much, they often suck IMO. But the Specials are nice, and OFRs are excellent. I'm a big fan of Isaac Brock and his guitar style, so I like floating trems.
I'm not a big fan of floating trems, except of steinberg
Their guitars are headless and most of them are shaped weird, but they feel amazing. They don't sound organic though, they're quite stale actually, but that's not always a bad thing
I've never tried a Bigsby or a Steinberg. I want to though.