Dem sexy/dream guitars
Ever since i played this guitar in a store i knew i needed to have one of those.
It's better than sex!
I love Jags/JMs, for both looks and sound.
Nothing beats a good Tele, IMO.
If you hadn't guessed, I'm also a fan of Olympic White.
Offset sound holes look pretty sharp
Looks like Maps has some similar tastes as me on electrics.
I'll just throw some extras:
PRS Custom 24
Gretsch White Falcon
Telecaster Thinline Deluxe:
All PRS i've seen are sexy and amazing
Also, dat Gretsch
I like the shape of PRSs, but I'm not such a fan of their finishes. I'm not sure if it's the flame or the colour, but I just don't like it that much. Having said that, I like the finish on this one:
I think Jonsi from Sigur Ros' LP is really nice. Simple and elegant.
I like the bees design on Isaac Brock's custom Wicks
This Godin jazz box is super pretty. Classy too.
I also think bridge p'up only guitars have a certain class too
Oh man, I love PSR guitars
This thing is weird as shit, but I want it
I'm not such a big fan of Schecter
I really only like their Hellraiser models. Which is what the last one is. The first two are just cool looking. Never played them.
I'm just to lazy to go to another site :lol:
I'm not actually a huge fan of the way Les Pauls sound, but that has to be the prettiest paint I've ever seen. I really want to get a nice Strat or Jaguar though, but I haven't found one to fall in love with yet.
That paint is amazing. I think we should have a bass equivalent of this as well.