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Full Version: 10 year anniversary
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10 years ago I started MTB after MxTabs shut down their forum. The site’s hella dead now, but I think we had a good 4 year run. I haven’t done much of anything in the past few years to revive the place, but I’m keeping it up for historical purposes.
Historical Bump.

What can be done to get the place semi active again? I guess posts in each section so it doesn't look like a graveyard so if anybody comes across the place they might register?

What happened to all of your older members? Are you still in touch with any?
(12-07-2022, 11:01 PM)elseb Wrote: [ -> ]Historical Bump.

What can be done to get the place semi active again? I guess posts in each section so it doesn't look like a graveyard so if anybody comes across the place they might register?

What happened to all of your older members? Are you still in touch with any?

I have tried sending out emails to the previous users, but they all disappeared off the internet years ago.

I also haven’t been trying too hard at advertising this place much for quite awhile, so I’m definitely to blame here.
It's a really difficult one as let's be honest, forums aren't exactly the most favored form of internet communication these days. I still reckon there's a good setup here though...
(12-10-2022, 02:05 AM)elseb Wrote: [ -> ]It's a really difficult one as let's be honest, forums aren't exactly the most favored form of internet communication these days. I still reckon there's a good setup here though...

Yeah, I just need to actually put in effort. I can’t complain if I don’t put any work in first.
Might be worth getting a few post exchanges to fill out some of the sections with newer posts and then seeing how you get on?
I've done that a few times, but never got positive results from it. All I ever got were posts that were basically just spam, or they don't post on their own forum and expect me to do all the work.
Yeah they can be very hit and miss but might at least be a good way of getting the sections flooded with some new posts.
I can give it a try, but I will cut the cord if I just get basically spam.

I’m gonna be honest, I’m not interested in getting the place flooded. I’m a quality over quantity kind of person. I’m well aware I’m going into this on hard mode. I actually really like the small, but very dedicated communities more than the ones with tons of people. Though those can be more volatile when a couple of those people disappear, and your site tanks in activity, as evident to what happened here.
I certainly agree with the smaller forums line, you can definitely get to know people an awful lot better and just have a more chilled out experience. There's no reason why we can't try and get that happening here. I'm here to help in anyway though mate, just give me a shout if there's anything i can do.
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