11-12-2017, 06:35 PM
I thought this'd be interesting so I guess I'll start.
Somecallmejohnny Is the best of the best. Civil, Funny, Interesting opinions and the ability to spark interest (that was redundant) for a lot of games.
Alongside Johnny is his LP Channel: SGB (The Super Gaming Bros) Where they fuck with each other...Constantly and it's actually fun to watch (Unlike game grumps.)
OneyPlays is this group of three moronic, Vulgar and Non-P.C dudes who play games and shit talk each othe with voices...And I LOVE IT.
Any one have anything else?
Somecallmejohnny Is the best of the best. Civil, Funny, Interesting opinions and the ability to spark interest (that was redundant) for a lot of games.
Alongside Johnny is his LP Channel: SGB (The Super Gaming Bros) Where they fuck with each other...Constantly and it's actually fun to watch (Unlike game grumps.)
OneyPlays is this group of three moronic, Vulgar and Non-P.C dudes who play games and shit talk each othe with voices...And I LOVE IT.
Any one have anything else?