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I don't have facebook because the only function it would have is pretending to stay in touch with people I don't like enough to stay in touch with.
I dunno, I actually think facebook is a good way to keep up with people who you don't see every day. I'm friends with a lot of people I went to highschool with just to see what they're up to and who's getting married or whatever. I've got like 355 friends. I will admit that some of those are just girls who I went to school with that are hot but I'm not actually friends with them.
blogpost: On a certain website, I know several of us partook in a debate involving pitbulls. Some people mocked us for defending pitbulls, claiming that our belief that pitbulls are not inherently bad based on the 'few good' pitbulls we meet was comparable to saying 'gun crime isn't an issue because my neighbour has a gun and hasn't shot anything'. That statement is of course, stupid. A dog is not comparable to a gun.

Today I saw a presentation that stated pitbulls are the most popular dog of choice for illegal dog fighting (obviously) and are apparently eight times more likely than most other breeds to face household abuse. If this is true, it's absolutely ridiculous that they are being treated as dangerous objects. Maybe if they were placed in caring hands, statements like 'lol have u never seen a pitbull in a bad area' (yes I have) wouldn't have to be made.

The bans in England and Wales and Ontario are of course unjustified, but what's even more disturbing is that I've read (have not fact checked) that there have been city governments in the America and Australia that killed the pitbulls in their city after their bans. The idea that they are dangerous objects fuels their stereotyping, which encourages people to train them to be dangerous in the first place.

Not that anyone cares but I thought about this for some time after seeing that.

I also finally figured out how to describe why the idea of an "American melting pot" (or just the non-true attitude of America being more diverse than everyone else) is bs and just racism/imperialism apologism, meaningless words, and discrimination in disguise with perfect wording but I don't think anyone in interested in that rant.
I disagree with pitbull bans but can see where some people are coming from. They ARE more dangerous than most (not all) breeds because of their immense strength. I think a lot of the shit they get is because so many are treated badly and pretty much trained to be killers. They have this reputation so crappy people just keep repeating the cycle.

I said it on UG before, but people have to stop talking about all dogs as if they're equal. They have different temperaments, can range in size by 200 pounds, and some are just a lot stronger. Yea, little yippy dogs are assholes a lot but they're not gonna hurt anyone. The pitbull's strength most likely hurts the dog sometimes. A Golden Retriever or Labrador may be aggressive but it's just not as likely to cause as much damage as a pitbull, or Rottweiler, or Doberman. Coupled with them being very territorial and protective of their family/owner, that can be a bad combination.

I don't think they're evil or really any worse than most breeds, but they're bred to be effective at winning a fight if they do get aggressive. Just like other breeds were bred to be better hunters, or swimmers, or trackers, ect...

So yea, I don't hate them since I think they're usually bad because of people, but I can definitely see why they worry so many others.

I've actually been thinking about this lately because there has been this pitbull running around my neighborhood and people have been getting pissed at the owners. They don't seem like bad people or anything but it's kinda scary having it run around (I don't think any dog should be loose). It comes into my yard and has standoffs with my dogs which is worrying since it could kill them with little effort.
Yeah. It's unfortunate that I still get uneasy (though not flat-out scared) if I come across a doberman or such because of that.
if a pitbull is a weapon youll have to pry them Angel
@Phils: You're right; people have valid concerns. But as you said, it's people that make them bad, and it's that cycle that's the issue. That's why I take issue when people basically want to exterminate them, when in reality violent pitbulls are the product of an intense version of the broader issues that affect all dogs such as abuse, neglect, dogfighting, etc.

That's really bad about the loose dog. I seriously hope nothing bad happens.
It's similar to how some people want to eradicate religion entirely because some individuals use it as an excuse to do really shitty things that usually aren't permitted in their belief system in the first place, when most other notable religious individuals in history came up with hospitals, universities, scientific theories, orphanages and charities, amongst other things.
That is also true. If religion went away though, I wouldn't see it as a good or bad thing if it was an 'organic' process (i.e. no persecution involved).

People point to pitbulls in bad areas causing problems and assume it's in their inherent nature, and that's where I disagree. It's pretty much proven that they are trained criminals, not born criminals (not sure what word to use here). That's why I've come to the conclusion that it's pretty ignorant to want to get rid of all them and point to responsible pitbull owners as these ignorant, oversensitive idiots attached to their 'objects'. I really don't get how when faced with losing their dog, it's good to mock everyone who owns them (of course you're going to be attached to your dog) and accuse them of being ignorant even though they are probably aware of the issues surrounding pitbulls.
Yeah, it's a shame. Heck, I heard that statistically, some of more "naturally" vicious dogs tended to be the more innocuous-looking such as the poodle and the Jack Russell terrier, though it's still not acceptable to just discriminate them individually like that.