(05-17-2013, 03:44 PM)Grungie Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: SR506_6STRING07.jpg]](http://www.portlandpercussion.com/2013GUITARS/SR506_6STRING07.jpg)
Yeah, looks like the neck might be a bit thin
I think he means thin the other way, though.
And also, Bass VI are similar to Baritones, as they have a shorter scale length (can't remember if it's the same), and similar string-spacing, but baritone's are tuned B-B. Where as Bass VIs are E-E, so it is still a bass. It can be used much like a Bari though.
No i meant thin as in how thick it is, not how wide it is
And i like it wide with a good thickness.
you pervs
(05-17-2013, 03:49 PM)Mr Maps Wrote: [ -> ]I think he means thin the other way, though.
Not really if you've played an Ibanez, they're usually thin in that way.
(05-17-2013, 03:53 PM)Grungie Wrote: [ -> ] (05-17-2013, 03:49 PM)Mr Maps Wrote: [ -> ]I think he means thin the other way, though.
Not really if you've played an Ibanez, they're usually thin in that way.
Really? I always thought Ibanezes tend to be wide, but thin in the profile. Least, the ones I played do, and I hate that sort of neck.
yeah it feels like if you'd play too roughly it'd snap off, and if you press too hard you can actually hear the note getting out of tune. They're just so fragile and toneless

I like how fast I can shred on their necks, but I don't play shred, so a Fender neck fits perfectly with my hands.
(05-17-2013, 04:02 PM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ]yeah it feels like if you'd play too roughly it'd snap off, and if you press too hard you can actually hear the note getting out of tune. They're just so fragile and toneless
Yeah, plus I just prefer more more round profiled necks, rather than thin. Plus, I find their neck to be too fast, as I'm used to thinker necks, because I'm used to acoustic. I get kinda sloppy on electrics anyway, as I'm not used to the lighter gauged strings, but it's more noticeable on faster necks. I'm also sloppier on them because I don't find them as comfortable.
yeah that's how i am too.
I'm used to thick necks so i'm very sloppy on thin necks, plus thickness = better sustain and tone, so it's a win/win for me really
Sorry I can't help more with your bass hunt though. My only other advice would be to scout the used market, and then research what come up if/when it does, rather than looking for something specific. Unless you want/will have to get new, in which case, ignore my previous sentence.
There's not many used cheap 6 strings in whole Israel apparently, i've already did a search
The only ones i found were either like 3000$ or the person selling it was at the other side of Israel and doesn't want to drive all the here to sell it nor will he reduce the price of it for the 5 hour drive i have to take over there
Damn jews