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Lol I figured he left that part of the story out. Even Crash was saying that Terror was out of line for banning you, not only without discussing it with anyone, but saying "I have the final say in everything". So he finally unbanned you after he realized that nobody agreed with him.

Also Crash was telling him that he needs learn to accept some level of criticism as he does get offended way too easily when people say something to him.
Straight away I can see he's made a topic that'll probably end with there being even more negativity between me and him lol.

Today I will complain about....

My mouth often hurts on the left side when I'm eating, especially if it's something quite solid/dense. Not sure if it's a tooth problem or a gum problem caused by a wisdom tooth on that side. It doesn't seem to hurt right where the wisdom tooth is but it's difficult to tell. Could also be the wisdom tooth putting pressure onto another tooth (an uncle was saying his tooth got cracked like that). Anyway it's annoying since it hurts to eat. It could be worse but I'll give it a 5 or 6 on the pain scale (7 being stuff that'll basically drop me to the floor/at least stop me from doing anything apart from ignoring the pain. Some pain'll remain for about half an hour after eating or maybe more.
At the risk of sounding like a total jackass, am I the only one who is really getting fed up of hearing about gay marriage? It's as if it's the only social issue that exists.

Disclaimer: I actually am for civil gay marriage and am against homophobia. I'm just tired of hearing about the issue, especially from people who completely misunderstand why it's an issue in the first place.
It's one of those things that's relative for people who are serious about something. If you're a gay or social activist, you'd want to hear about it until the issue is resolved.

Like how some people are sick of hearing about the olympics, but sports fans want to hear about it.
That's true. I dunno, I just feel like it shouldn't be that pressing of an issue in comparison to some other things.
It's probably because it doesn't really affect you personally. Like I really don't give a fuck about pro-weed legalization for similar reasons.
Also true, but I still try to fight for what is right, whether it affects me or not, and most social issues affect society as a whole.
News is always skewed. Queen's grandson gets married and most of the news becomes about that for a few days even if there are a bunch of major laws passed and a bunch of coups and a war ends and whatever....
Maybe you have a problem because the arguments on TV are stupid? Nowadays when I watch political TV programmes the lack of logic astounds me, although occasionally someone is logical and also allowed to speak (usually if someone tries to be logical they get talked over). And it's not an issue of "they're only logical if they agree with me".
I got annoyed with all the Syria coverage.The news just puts on whatever suits them. If that's an issue they want you to see it'll be all over the news. If a political protest goes on in a country the UK is looking to potentially invade or at least sees as an enemy then that'll be all over the news so people will see it and think "oh the people there hate their government let's invade them and make em free". If it happens in some other random country it won't get as much coverage. Or details are just missed out sometimes so that an organised protest is made to sound like a stupid mob (like omitting details of who organised the protest....example BBC coverage of the drone protests in Pakistan....rarely mentioned that they were organised by the political party that was in power in that province, so just sounded like a random mob).
I'm done with the news. If I wanna learn I'll stick to what academics report and just read up on actual legislation, unless I wanna just be aware of what's being shown on TV.
Come at me. Come.

Gay marriage isn't that big a deal here in the media. Got legalised last year in England and Wales even with a Conservative Party government and it's not really mentioned. Some in the Church of England kicked up a little fuss in the media but it's decreased. Scotland legalized it with a big majority recently but Northern Ireland hasn't although it recognises gay marriages from elsewhere as being civil partnerships (been allowed since 2004 and is basically the same as marriage since you get the financial exemptions of a married couple so think it's better than most civil unions in the USA). Most people I know just saw it as a long time coming. Obviously some people hate gay people too. To quote one of my uncles who isn't the one who makes a habit of getting into trouble with the law or anything "I'll stamp on your head if you're a fag". Definitely some way to go even if the media doesn't show it. Guessing there are clergymen making things difficult for same-sex couples. Tbh I don't get why clergymen should have to marry same-sex couples though. Getting married by a religious leader isn't something required to be legally married.

Funny that the UK has Christianity as its official religion and the US is officially secular yet Christianity plays a much bigger role in US politics nowadays what with abortion, marriage, stem cell research and just election campaigns in general. Dunno why that is. Any theories?

Post is all over the place. Fak it.
I don't follow the news (I don't have a TV in my dorm room) but I usually see people talking about the issue.

Definitely there are some people who actually hate gays (which I think is unfortunate), but I know people who are against gay marriage and are very clearly not homophobic. Biggest example is my father, who believes that "gay marriage" is a contradiction in terms since marriage was initially developed for the nuclear family, in order to protect the mother and the child. In other words, he isn't against gay marriage as much as he just thinks it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and to allow gays to marry would demean marriage as a whole. That said, I think the popular mentality nowadays is that if you're against gay marriage, that automatically makes you a bigoted asshole, but it's really not that simple. Heck, the Roman Catholic Church makes it clear (and Pope Francis, whom I think is great, has reiterated) that gays should be accepted and loved just like anyone else because they are children of God, and a large percentage of clergy is homosexual (at least, this is the RCC's point of view; there are definitely non-Catholic churches that have the same point of view).

To be honest, I sometimes wish I could be in a certain person's shoes to play devil's advocate; in the case of gay marriage, if I were gay and discussed the subject in a devil's advocate manner, people would be less likely to rule me out as a homophobic/bigoted jackass for merely bringing counterarguments to the table.

Now I have disclaimed that I am for civil gay marriage, for a few different reasons, but I also have to give credit where credit is due, and honestly, I don't think many liberals understand the issue at hand. Often when they argue that people should be allowed to marry whomever they want because both they and their partner love each other, regardless of their genders, conservatives answer "marriage is not about love", but liberals keep arguing that if two people love each other, they should have the right to marry, as if the conservative counterargument flew six feet over their heads. It's a circular debate that goes nowhere. Now I know not all people argue like this, but I feel like there's a huge misunderstanding in general.

On the subject of religious marriage, this is an easy thing to answer. Are you a Christian? A Muslim? Are you a homosexual? Does your denomination specifically mention that it doesn't recognize gay marriage? Then you have two choices: 1) don't get married, as you are supposed to believe it is forbidden between two people of the same sex, as your freely chosen and practiced religion is telling you, or 2) change denomination. Become an episcopalian, I dunno. One thing that is certain is that if you put your love life (or nearly anything) before your belief system, you're doing something terribly wrong.

(speaking of which, I thought the Church of England - the Anglican Church - had a generally positive view on gay marriage. The Episcopal Church is an American branch of Anglicanism and I know they're quite liberal on most social issues barring abortion and euthanasia)

As for your last paragraph, I know that the USA is one of the most religious countries on the planet (if you're talking Abrahamism, anyway), and Europe is probably the least religious populated continent on the planet.
Yeah, as far as I know Europe is kinda "over the whole religion thing".

Personally I think they should legalize gay marriage, just as long as they don't try to force churches to perform the ceremonies if they don't want to. I don't really understand why you'd want to get married in a church where people fundamentally disagree with your decision to get married, but I guess life is complicated. Like why they even bothered forcing the Mormon Church to allow African Americans in. If your church teaches that you are basically a demon, why would you want to go to that church? Its beyond me.

And yeah Joel, I think thats how literally every Liberal vs. Conservative argument goes. Like abortion is "Don't kill babies!" vs. "Its a woman's right to decide what to do with her body!". Taken out of context it doesn't even sound like they're talking about the same thing.